Saturday, December 2, 2017

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

It's that time of year again. Processed foods are everywhere, just waiting to expand our waistlines. I'm pretty sure none of us enjoy wearing jeans that are too tight, so as a certified Physical Fitness Specialist, I want to offer up my favorite top 9 strategies to offset the holiday weight gain, and maybe even improve your fitness level, while you're at it.

1)  Make a list of your fitness goals and put them on your fridge, on your mirror, or somewhere that will be a constant reminder to help keep you on course and avoid mindless snacking.

2) Don't neglect a healthy breakfast. Don't neglect oats!  Health benefits of oatmeal include a healthy heart, diabetes control, a reduction in hypertension, promotes cancer prevention, and increased immunity. Oatmeal also aids in weight loss and treating constipation. 

Check out the recipes below for some oat inspiration. These are yummy.

Here's the link:

Below is another option for yummy oats made overnight in the refrigerator. If you're a food prepper, you'll appreciate this. Made in mason jars, you have instant breakfasts for several days.
Here's the link: Here's the link:

Disclaimer: I do happen to be an independent consultant for Arbonne, and since this article is on the topic of health, I do mention their protein powder. There are some great protein powders out there, I just share why their protein happens to be my personal favorite. 

3) Consider replacing 1 meal a day with a protein shake. Protein satisfies, saves you calories, fuels fat burning and helps your muscles repair and grow. Improved muscle mass results in a higher metabolism.  Here's an article that goes into more depth on this topic.It's a good read.

I always recommend plant based protein. I prefer a powder that is comprised of cranberry protein, rice protein, and pea protein.

I use Arbonne's chocolate protein powder. Aside from being downright yummy, it contains some excellent ingredients, like Coenzyme Q10, which is great for heart health,  Alfalfa Leaf Powder, which is a complete, well rounded source of vitamins and minerals.The leaves of Alfalfa contain eight amino acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorous, iron sulfides, choline and beta-carotene. Another beneficial ingredient is Kelp Powder. It would take 40 pounds of fruits and veggies to obtain the same iodine as 1 gram of whole kelp leaf. Ginseng root powder is another ingredient. Dr. Mercola wrote an excellent article on the benefits of ginseng. I'll quote his article here:

" Ginseng is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps your body to withstand mental and physical stress. American ginseng may boost your immune system, function as an antioxidant, benefit inflammatory conditions and act as a stress tonic. Asian ginseng has stimulant properties and may be useful for heart health, neurodegenerative disease, boosting mental performance and more
Siberian ginseng is not a true ginseng and contains different bioactive compounds than American and Asian ginsengs."

2 scoops of Arbonne's protein powder is a serving and it delivers 160 calories and 20 grams of vegan protein, which is more grams of protein per serving than several brands I've compared it to. 

On days that I don't have time to juice, I like to throw in a green powder with all the colors of the rainbow (Green's Balance) and I have a powerhouse in a cup to start my day off right. It also makes a great on-the-go lunch. 

4) Seriously consider installing the My Fitness Pal app on your phone. It's an excellent way to log and track your calories daily and it helps let you know how many calories a day you should be consuming based on your current weight and goals.  If you don't have a frame of reference for how many calories a day you currently consume, this will be an eye opener. Calorie counting, at least in the short term, will help get you on track. Most Americans have a very inaccurate picture in their minds of what a correct portion actually looks like. On this topic, veggies will be your salvation in helping you stay full and keeping the calories in check. Aim to have at least half of your plate filled with good veggies. (obviously, not fried veggies)

5) Snack healthy.  Good snack options  are green apples (because of slightly lower sugar content than other apple varieties) and berries.  Raspberries in particular are great in aiding weight loss goals, and Almonds are also a great snack. (measure your serving, though) One of my favorite in-between-meal snacks is diced green apple, sprinkled with raw oats, cinnamon, almonds and a little honey in a bowl with a splash of almond milk.

6) Exercise! If you've been working out for a while, try some HIIT (high intensity interval training)  to mix things up and really get the calorie burn cranking.  If you've been a  cardio queen or king, start resistance training 2x a week.  Workout newbie?  Start walking and/or using cardio machine. Aim for 30 minute sessions at least 3 times a week, and work your way up. If you don't have access to workout equipment and don't want to be out walking while it's getting dark earlier in the day during winter, grab a workout DVD. Do it in the safety of your home. Spice it up with some Zumba. That's a fun way to start.

7) Find an accountability partner. It's admittedly easier to stick to fitness goals if you have someone to stay accountable with. You can stay accountable even online if you can't get together in person.

8) Do not cook holiday foods in mass quantity.  You don't want extra pies sitting around to tempt you. Cook the minimum and give away the extra. You know that neighbor you don't like that much? Now's the time to shower them with caloric kindness. Ha ha. Just kidding. Kind of...You can freeze your meats to be used to top some of your salads that you'll want to eat during the winter.

9) If you find yourself hungry often, despite healthy snacks, try adding a little more fiber into your diet. It will help your tummy feel content.  Most Americans don't get the daily amount that they should. The average American adult only consumes approximately 15 grams of fiber a day. Women should have 25 grams of fiber per day and men should have 38 grams a day, according to the Institute of Medicine.

I hope this was helpful to you guys! We're all trying to be healthier together! Stay healthy and happy out there!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Cleaning house & going green

Do you ever just feel the need to clean house? To get rid of all the dirty stuff weighing you down? Today, I'm going to talk about lightening our chemical loads and going green.  I'm sure all of us know that there are nasty chemicals lurking in household cleaners, as well as our personal care products. I'm talking our laundry detergent, dish soap, makeup, baby wash, shampoo, deodorant, etc. Studies have shown that many of the chemicals in these products can be linked to very bad health and conditions as well as having a negative impact on the planet.

It's a fact that it only takes 26 seconds for whatever we put on our skin to reach our bloodstream. That thought can be frightening. What detergent are you washing your baby's clothes in? What lotions are you using?

Today, I'm going to talk about some natural products that we can use to decrease the amount of toxins we come into contact with. Which natural products really work well? Luckily, I've weeded out quite a few and have some favorites to share. I'll also share a couple DIY options for you DIYers :) Yes, I just made up a new word.

Disclaimer- I happen to be an independent consultant for Arbonne, because I fell in love with their ingredient policy. I will briefly mention their products later in this post, but I'm absolutely not trying to sell you anything.

For the laundry, I highly recommend Mrs. Mysers liquid detergent. The Lemon Verbena scent is my personal favorite. They also make some awesome dryer sheets.

If you're a person who likes to go the DIY route and make your own detergent, this link will provide you with  a tried and true recipe from my friend, Jamie.

For the dishwasher, again I recommend Mrs. Myers dishwasher packs, or Ecover brand packs. They are truly effective and so much safer than the regular chemical packed dishwasher tabs.

For surface cleaners, I use Mrs. Myers surface cleaning spray, but if you're in a do it yourself mood and love essential oils, you can make mix up a spray bottle of VinGuard using DoTerra's OnGuard oil. VinGuard is excellent for cleaning shower walls and tiles.

For washing our fruits & veggies, here's a great homemade wash that also uses essential oils.

If you're looking for  skincare, haircare, baby care items, cosmetics & nutrition products that are vegan, botanically based, and made according to European standards, I highly recommend Arbonne products. You can view their items through my website if interested.

As always, I like to sneak a healthy recipe for kids or ourselves into each blog. Today's recipe is mashed cauliflower. My kids love mashed cauliflower. Hopefully yours will, too. You can try it for yourself. It's delicious.

I would like to close with this thought. While we're cleansing the toxins from our lives, let's not forget to also cleanse our minds from toxic thoughts that keep us from accomplishing our goals. Make positive changes one day at a time. Improve your thinking and you'll improve your life.

Have a great day!  

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Late Nights, Weight Plates & Protein Pancakes

What is your fitness rut? For me, my fitness rut came after I had my 2nd baby.  Sounds familiar, right? Yep, I fell into the "yoga pants all day, living on coffee mom rut".  Motherhood is a beautiful gift, that I wouldn't trade for anything, but at the time, I had gotten so focused on meeting all the demands of others that I failed to take care of my body and wellbeing along the way. This rut lasted for 3 years. What made me snap out of it was finally getting sick enough of the way that I felt.

I finally took the step in doing something to propel me forward. I started a "30 Day Challenge". (Clean eating, supplementing with vegan protein, avoiding dairy, soy, gluten, sugar, etc.) At the end of the challenge, I finally felt good again. The numbers on the scale started moved in a good direction.  I decided to seal my commitment to reclaiming my fitness by scheduling my 3rd Tough Mudder. I had done two before, prior to baby # 2. Three and a half years had gone by since then. 

Though a little intimidated, I just ran my 3rd Tough Mudder last weekend. I'm still a work in progress. Ever improving. Ever having to find motivation. But, the benefits of taking that first step far outweigh the discomforts. Fall down seven times, get up eight.

Whatever your rut is, do one thing today to help your body be healthier. Then, do one more thing tomorrow. Make these things a habit and before long you will reap the snowball effect.

Today was a long day. I haven't gotten my workout in yet today. My kids didn't like what I cooked for dinner. They wanted pancakes and so I made pancakes.  I'll be up late tonight. I'm learning that sometimes success can be comprised of late nights, weight plates, and protein pancakes.  Just keep going.

If your kids are finicky eaters, such as mine, I'll pass along this pancake recipe I found on Pinterest. This is a family favorite in my house. Or, if you're in the market for a good protein pancake, you might love this yourself. I like it because it's gluten free. The oats are great for heart health. The bananas provide potassium, fiber, and vitamin B6, antioxidants as well as other nutrients. I add a half teaspoon of baking powder to the recipe to give them a little more fluffiness. Of course, I recommend eating these with pure maple syrup.

I'll leave you with a paragraph I wrote a while back as a closing thought.

"I went for a long run today, which lead to some reflection. I didn't feel like running. Nobody was watching. It didn't matter to anyone. It wasn't glamorous. Veins bulged, sweat ran, one consistent foot fell in front of the other, over and over. While mentally telling myself "Just another mile, just another mile!" I came to the realization that it's the unseen, the non-glamorous moments, that are soaked in victory. That applies to all areas of our lives. Our marriages, parenting our kids, or achieving our goals.  Keep going, even when nobody sees. Keep up with consistent efforts. Go get your victory!"

By the way, I still kinda like yoga pants ;)

Monday, November 6, 2017

Intro Blog Post

Welcome to my blog!  Thanks for stopping by and I hope that you find helpfulness, inspiration and enjoyment in the random blogs to come.

The purpose behind this blog is to plant seeds that encourage us all to make our lives better in a healthy way. Simply that.

  • Better in how we live and how we enjoy life.
  • Better in how we find the motivation to exercise & how we exercise, through providing helpful exercise tips and motivation. 
  • Better in making wiser choices in what we eat, by sharing healthy recipes that I've actually made and love. 
  • Better in helping  get us moms out of the mom rut. Motherhood is beautiful, but I believe that many of us can slip into a rut in which we neglect various facets of our health and I want to encourage you if you're that person, to get out of that rut and run with me. You need to refill your cup so you have an abundance pouring out of you to pour into the lives of your littles or those around you. 
  • Better in encouraging the busy person how to lead a healthier lifestyle with quick and simple tips.
  • Better in occasionally sharing my few various and random products for the house and for personal care that are non-toxic, to promote a cleaner and greener lifestyle. 
Stay tuned for my first blog, coming this week. I hope to see you back here soon! 

How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

It's that time of year again. Processed foods are everywhere, just waiting to expand our waistlines. I'm pretty sure none of us enjo...